All posts by paleofitniche

I am a 27 year old health enthusiast from Canaan, NH now living in the big little city of Charlotte, NC. I have always had an affinity for the culinary arts, health, and many forms of exercise. As a young girl I was very petite and thin, as I grew up I began to gain weight like crazy. I have tried so many diets (even reverting to extreme ways to lose weight) with very little payoff physically, no satiation, and a lot of frustration. I began doing the "Paleo" or "Caveman diet" summer of 2012 and the results were quick and amazing! A ski accident in the winter of 2013 would destroy all my hard work, as I suffered a torn ACL and lost my ability to even walk right for nearly a year. I lost my figure, my strength, and my confidence. Now I'm starting back from scratch to re-build my body, my health, and my mind. I want to share my journey and my knowledge over the years with those who want to attain a higher level of health, physical fitness, and mental clarity.

Day 1 Cold-Pressed Juice Cleanse…..and Some Inner Thoughts & Stuff.

Back at it……as I tap my finger thinking about chocolate and whisky,  I have to go all the way with something or not at all. Our business is about to launch soon and I need my brain and body working to my best advantage. This means no processed foods, no alcohol, no tobacco, no smoking……, no television. Every now and then life can get me down when I have so many responsibilities and so little time to dream. When my stress is high I have found over the years I need to really take focus of my life on every level. This week I am challenging myself to reset myself: my health, my body, and my mind.

This time a year a ago I was smoke free, drank very little alcohol, spent most of my free-time in nature and away from the city, creating something, writing, or listening to music. I had taken a long journey to get where I was and it wasn’t easy. Once I decided to move out on my own I started to throw away a lot of the structure and guidelines I had carefully placed on myself, physically, mentally, emotionally….always interested in testing, learning, and pushing…whether it’s good or bad is another story.

I can’t condemn myself too hard though, without the lessons of bad choices we can’t expect to learn to make the good ones. I haven’t written anything down in almost a year…..I think out loud, I am unorganized, I constantly go astray, I feel like I haven’t done anything stimulating or thought provoking in a year. I needed this past year though to plan and evaluate the next one….I’ve decided, my mind feels bottled, boggled and I’m ready to return to my writing. Weirdest…health blog….ever 🙂



I prepared all my of raw things today. I buy a lot of raw almond butter, celery, raw cacao goji squares, live banana nut bread bars, nacho kale chips and lots of apples. I don’t believe in fully juicing my system completely and I like to start out the first two days eating raw prepared foods, fruits, nuts, and raw vegetables. I like to make the raw tahini almond salad dressing to eat with veggies…..or if I’m feeling lazy I’ll buy a bottle of Luna’s hemp dressing. It tastes like ranch…awesome.

This day sucks the most…day 1 you always start to feel good but then you’re feeling like you’re more hungry than you’ve ever been. I always end up drinking a ton of juice and alkaline water, I drink as much as I want until I start to feel satiated. The sooner your vitamin and nutrient malnutrition can start to balance, the less hungry you’ll feel. Once again you may not agree completely with my method but this is how I do it and how it is the easiest to me. I’ve gone through many varieties of cleanses and this way has had the quickest and more fulfilling outcome. Everyone I know usually quits from hunger.

However, the hunger you feel is actually much like a drug detox of fat and toxins beginning to run out of the system. Sugar and Salt are like drugs to the brain and once we begin to remove them you start to want them more. This only seems to last around 24-72 hours for me and really only bothers me at night when I’m bored, and would usually snack.

I am exhausted from preparing juice all day for the next one or so, as well as writing some insane web diagram to my web people…I’m totally beat. I set my clock for 11 am….I’m curious to see how long it will take me to wake up more easy and sleep more soundly.

Almond-Ginger Dressing (Paleo)


This dressing I made last night from ‘Slim Palate’ was amazing ! I would dip anything in it it has a nutty, refreshing, and slightly salty taste that is very pleasing. As well as a great source for essential fats, protein, and digestive support. All you need is…..

1/2 Cup of Almond Butter
1 1/2 Tablespoons of Aminos
1 Tablespoon of unseasoned Rice Vinegar
4 Tablespoons of water, the recipe called for two but it was too thick
1 Tablespoon fish sauce
1-inch knob of peeled grated ginger
2 Cloves of grated garlic

Amazing!!! I’ll be making this a lot 😃✌️

Leah’s Health Journal 5/23/14: Keratosis Pilaris ?


     So I’ve been back to my whole foods diet now since February. I’m not a first timer, except I am just realizing now it can be categorized as ‘Paleo’. I made a conscious effort summer of 2012 to eat only foods that made me feel good.


    Anyone who has had the pleasure and joy of sharing a meal with me gets to see how I react to food. It started around 21-22 when I noticed I would get the sniffles  after a meal out at a restaurant. It started to proceed to intense mucus build-up (can’t breathe well), instant gas (I could eat half a sandwich and look pregnant), then sneezing and uncontrollable coughing added to the mix; It was pretty obvious I have a food allergy. I ignored it being young and not too bright about my health (well I thought I was, pounding diet pills and diet food). After awhile I began feeling like total crap and I could see it in my features, I take care of myself so no one could really tell but my skin was always dry and greasy at the same time, my eyes were turning yellowish, and my acne was out of control. It’s expensive to be unhealthy, all the beauty products I paid for then I maybe pay a fraction extra now in better organic food.


     I started researching more about what it could be and briefly spoke to my doctor about it during a check-up, then heard it again at a food seminar. He and the nutritionist told me my best bet was to eat whole clean foods (un-processed, which means eating the food in its natural state, sometimes a chemical change can occur in processed foods that doesn’t react well with some people’s bodies, not to mention the arguable health risks associated with un-natural chemical additives) and start eliminating different things from my diet then waiting to see if it improved or worsened.


   I started to just eat fat burning foods. A fat burning food is something that fills you up but keeps you going and improves your metabolism. Spinach, turkey, raspberries, lamb, etc. are all fat burning foods. Raspberries have ketones in them which are a key ingredient used in some fat burning pills (I do not condone these, from horrific past experiences), as well as lamb which is a natural source for carnitine, also a natural fat burner.

Any who, if you keep up with my blog you know the rest. I’ve fallen a few times off of my diet, mostly because of emotional hard ships in my life (physical and emotional). I have a tendency to say F the world when I’m on hard times and the first thing to go is my diet.

Now that I’m older though and I’ve done so much research on food allergies, it is pretty obvious that having a food allergy and ignoring it only causes internal break down (folks with Celiac’s disease can expect to face bowel cancer if they ignore it, as an example) and I could see the physical hints of it.

So my first physical change that my boyfriend actually noticed was the disappearance of our “chicken skin, sugar pimples, white arm bump things, or incorrectly diagnosed as dry skin” was going away!


What were we doing different? Well we both have pretty much eliminated grain from our diet, as well as milk products. Once in a while I’ll have something but it just doesn’t work well for me and results in mucus, breathing problems, ibs like symptoms, sneezing, coughing, and sometimes itching. We also have switched out our normal lotion for pure coconut oil, the kind you can cook with yes. It has a great smell and serves multiple purposes without leaching chemicals into your blood system that eventually travel to your heart. The skin is an organ and needs to eat healthy too.


Here’s an example of how you can start judging your internal health based on your skin. If you are always touching or aggravating your face, wearing makeup, or other obvious reasons don’t jump to thinking you are dying haha.

So I have been excited about Paleo because it gives me more recipes related to the way I eat, I don’t 100% agree on the kinds of meats eaten (I don’t eat pork, it makes me want to die inside), my mom never cooked this and my body isn’t a fan. I also don’t agree with all the beef, so I eat a lot more turkey, fish, chicken, and lamb.

So! my main point, I was flipping through my Paleo Magazine, Modern Day Primal Living. I saw an article talking about “chicken skin” or keratosis pilaris. Keratosis Pilaris is actually clumps of cells that haven’t keratinized correctly. Which means the skin proteins are multiplying faster than they can shed from your skin. The typical American symptom treatment is to exfoliate them away. I’ve tried all sorts of things myself, even so much as to buy those $100 dollar dead sea mineral scrubs at the huge promise it would work. Nope.

I couldn’t fix an external problem when the root cause was internal (for me). Which I didn’t know until it went away from a dramatic diet change, well not dramatic to me but I guess it’s really unsettling to everyone else I don’t eat bread anymore… 😉

Keratosis is “usually” a Vitamin A deficiency and manifests itself through our skin as chicken bumps since the body needs proper Vitamin A to synthesize proteins completely. Can’t I just eat carrots? Well carrots are full of beta-carotene which can be “converted” into Vitamin A, they do not posses true Vitamin A though. The conversion rate between beta carotene to Vitamin A is not reliable and the conversion rate is too poor to get your Vitamin A from.

What foods are rich in Vitamin A? cow liver, egg yolks, raw milk with the fat intact.

Unfortunately, if you aren’t a person with a balanced diet (everything is accompanied by bread which is an anti-nutrient, lots of processed foods, fake sugars, corn  another anti-nutrient, etc.), vitamins have a very hard time being absorbed. Sometimes we can keep eating certain vitamin rich foods but if you aren’t eating a well-balanced diet, you will just urinate them away. You should also take these vitamins into consideration when trying to absorb Vitamin A; the mineral zinc, K2, and D. Vitamin D is the biggest vitamin deficiency found in people today and is related to everything from depression to skin issues, since everyone wears sunscreen 24/7 and works in doors you are cutting out the 15-20 of sun you DO need and the general public has cut cholesterol filled foods out of their diets. I implore you to do further research on this as well, science has de-bunked the cholesterol from fat theory and is looking at a new approach, grain (anti-nutrient, which blocks vitamin absorption to heal the body). However, you won’t hear or see much about this since a billion dollar industry thrives on it (diet foods, sick care, and agriculture). I would persuade those interested to steer clear of the internet mumbo jumbo and get your butt to a real book store to do real research. The internet is great for sharing ideas and knowledge but anyone can well write a blog haha or pose as a health professional. One of my favorites is “Why Diet’s Don’t Work” you can check it out on Amazon through this link. It is an un-biased scientific approach to why typical American diets do not work and how the processed foods of today are really effing things up. I’m a person who believes in science and not fads, this was the first thing to open my eyes up about many things.  I advocate for paleo because of its ties to the whole food diet.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, get some sun, eat well, live well, smile often.

Blackberry Weight Loss Smoothie


This summer smoothie will give you tons of energy and fill you up before work or the gym. It has two handfuls of spinach to burn stored fat, provide calcium, vitamin c, a, and iron. A cup and a half of frozen black berries for fiber, anti oxidants, and sustained energy. Coconut milk for optimal brain function ‘omega-3’, coconut water for electrolyte balance and hydration. The banana is a great source of carbs for sustained energy and potassium (potassium also destroys alcohol, so when you’re hungover eat one).

Paleo Frittata


   Today was my first day making a 'frittata' and it came out amazing. 😍 I followed the basic recipe from 'Nom Nom Paleo' but added what I had in the kitchen by means of protein. I made my frittata for two, for my boyfriend and I and here's the recipe. 

What you need:
8 free-range/local/or organic eggs

2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
Pepper to taste

I used salt in the recipe as she instructed, however next time I’ll opt out, it was salty enough.

Choice of protein, I used hickory smoked 365 brand bacon from Whole Foods.

I also added some organic spinach as well.

4 tablespoons of organic coconut milk

Preheat your oven to 350.

Heat a skillet, that you can also put into the oven on medium.

Melt the coconut oil, then add your protein and veggies

While your meat and veggies cook in the skillet….

Whisk your eggs, coconut milk, pepper and whatever else you’d like in there up really well.

Once your meat is pretty well cooked about 5-10 minutes, add the egg mixture on top.

Cook for 3-5 minutes to set the bottom.

Place your whole pan into the oven for 15 minutes.

Then broil for 3-5 minutes.
It should look something like this, let it cool for 3 minutes and carefully slide it out of the pan. I slid a spatula underneath to loosen and then I slid it onto my cutting board for serving.

I will definitely be experimenting more with this breakfast dish, keep an eye out 😃✌️

Paleo Friendly Recipe – No Bake Decadent 6-Layer Cake

Reformed Health

6 Layer DecadenceI did not invent this recipe – and I am not advocating the Paleo diet (though I think it has some good points).

So why am posting this recipe?

First of all, it is amazing. Second, I made some significant changes to the recipe, which in my opinion enhance it greatly. And finally, I did not like the name by which it was originally called.

As I was making this layer cake for a Paleo friend, I was afraid that it would not be sweet enough for my sugar loving self.

I was wrong.

It is perfect. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

For my gluten free friends: this recipe works also.

Gather these ingredients then follow the directions for each layer:

  • 1  1/2 cups organic pecans (layer one)
  • 3/4 cup organic dates (layer one)
  • 1 cup + 5 Tbsp organic extra virgin coconut oil (layers one, four,  five)
  • 1/3 cup organic coconut oil –…

View original post 377 more words

Paleo Chicago Hot Dog Skewers

My best friend and I played around with this recipe one night from Primal Cravings and I wanted to share it with everyone, if you’re craving a good ol’ hot dog but you want to stay Paleo true, you’re allergic to grain, or you just want to try a fun recipe out then here you are! 025

What You Need:

. 1 lb. all beef uncured hot dogs cut into 2-inch pieces

. 1 pint cherry tomatoes…. Campari tomatoes are my favorite, I can find them at Whole Foods sometimes

. 1/2 Yellow onion diced

. 8 Dill pickle spears

. 30 Sport Peppers or just go buy pepper vinegar and pull off the top and use those, same thing…in my pictures you’ll see Serano peppers since we like it hot and the store didn’t have sport peppers, but if you want to keep it traditional you’ll need sport peppers.

. 1 Tablespoon Celery Salt

Let’s Get Cookin’

. Make your marinade in a bowl and whisk thoroughly. Then add all your skewer ingredients to the bowl and coat everything with the marinade.

. Create your skewers and alternate the ingredients.



.  Grill over high heat for about 2-3 minutes on each side. Make sure not to over cook the tomatoes or they will fall apart.


. Once you’re all done, sprinkle celery salt and enjoy !



Beach Body Cleanse: Lunch Juice


This juice aids in so many other ways than just slimming your waistline. Think healthy, not skinny and you’ll get there. This is my lunch on Day 2 of our 7 Day Beach Body Cleanse. Always remember to drink a glass of purified water after each juice, stick to light exercise, and plan your cleanse around some personal down time where you won’t be distracted by food and alcohol. 😃✌️

Wednesday, May 7th: Body Strength


 I have had some ladies ask me what workouts I do and I think blogging my daily routines will help in that department, enjoy!


You don’t need to worry about needing a gym for this routine today. I prefer going to the gym, it’s a lot harder to quit after you’ve driven all the way there. It just gets my head in the game, it’s really easy to put it off at home and say oh well maybe tomorrow. If you want to try working out at home first though, this is a great routine in or out of the gym.

Prep: Make sure to stretch , drink lots of water during and after. Try and stay away from BPA bottles if you can and please recycle, or go the extra step and get a re-usable water bottle.

Tip:  Always remember you shouldn’t be comfortable but you shouldn’t be in pain. If the exercise feels wrong to you, please feel free to contact me via Facebook.


The Body Strength workout is a 4 week program that will teach you everything you need to learn to progress physically. Click here to learn how the combination of body weight strength training mixed with weight training is going to get you maximum results !

Week 1 Day 1 :

Reps: 10 Sets: 3 Per Exercise Rest: 60 Seconds between sets

1. split squat Click here for video guide 

Split Squat : Complete all reps on each side before switching to the other side.

2. InclinePushUp Click here for video guide 

Incline Push-up

3. mv-lateral-stepup  Click here for video 

The trainer in the video is going really fast, if your legs aren’t that strong then go at your own pace but try and keep a challenging one.

Lateral Step Over

4. glute bridge Click here for video guide

Glute Bridge

5. Tricep-Exercises-Tricep-Dips-ModifiedClick here for video guide

Modified Bench Dip

6. front bridgeClick here for video guide

Front Bridge

7. side-bridge-exerciseClick here for video guide

Side Bridge


Tomorrow I’ll be doing a Fat Loss workout to shed the fat and keep the heart rate up.





Honey Strawberry Paleo Dessert Smoothie

I am in the mood for something sweet but since I promised myself I’ll only eat beautiful food ☺️ I wanted to create something yummy without too much guilt.
1 organic banana
7 organic strawberries regular or frozen
1 tablespoon of raw honey
1 cup of organic full fat coconut milk

Blend on High until smooth
Top with raw honey and chia seeds if you like.

This should be a treat though 😇 bananas are very high in carbs.